In our day-to-day lives, we all tend to rely on a variety of insurance policies, just in case the worst situations imaginable actually come to be. Although, many people do not realize that the worst may be yet to come after being in a car accident, experiencing significant property damage, and so on. If an insurance provider does not feel like paying a claim, they can make the lives of their own customers a major headache by engaging in insurance bad faith tactics.
At Gowan Elizondo, our Corpus Christi insurance bad faith attorneys are dedicated to representing clients in their time of need, especially after their own insurers have let them down. We can bring decades of combined legal and trial-tested experience to your case, giving you the backup you require in such a trying situation. Contact us today and ask how you can get a free initial consultation for your case.
By definition, insurance bad faith occurs when an insurance company intentionally denies, delays, ignores, or complicates a policy claim solely to save themselves money. Dishonest insurers that try to use insurance bad faith may be aware of their own misdeeds and attempt to hide them through subtlety. Many people are victims of insurance bad faith and never even know it due to the cleverness of their insurance policy provider.
If an insurance company wants to save their bottom line, they can always find a way to use insurance bad faith to their advantage. To this end, essentially any form of insurance you purchase could become susceptible to insurance bad faith. Always keep your eyes open for suspicious behavior on part of your insurer, let an attorney know if something comes up, and be prepared for an insurance claim dispute that could require attention.
An insurance company used to getting away with insurance bad faith tactics will likely not concede once you call them out on it. You should anticipate their resistance by preparing for litigation. Our Corpus Christi insurance bad faith lawyers are always ready to take a dispute to the courtroom but still keep negotiations and settlements in mind if it would benefit our client. No matter the avenue you must take to receive fair claim coverage, we have the legal manpower to represent you.
Call (866) 833-0088 or email us today to start your case.
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